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CASAP Bylaws


California Association of Standards and Agricultural Professionals [CASAP] is a voluntary organization of California state licensed agricultural and weights and measures professionals committed to education, communication, and professionalism among its members. CASAP organizes and conducts professional development opportunities for its members. CASAP creates a communication system among its membership and a communication link with the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA.)




This Association is an affiliate of the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association formed in accordance with Article 3 - Section of the Constitution and By-Laws of California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA).


The purpose of this Association shall be:

  1. To promote communication, education, and professionalism among its members;

  2. To promote professional development for members;

  3. To create a communication network among its members and a communication link with the California Agricultural Commissioner and Sealers Association.

  4. To consult and provide input to CACASA on matters affecting the professional standards of association members.

This Association shall not be construed as a collective bargaining unit nor participate in employee and employer relationships, nor shall the Association develop, promote or oppose legislation except in conjunction with the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association.


Section 1. Active Members

Any licensed professional of the County Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers staff shall be eligible for membership in this Association. Any non-licensed staff professional of the Agricultural Commissioner and Sealers office may be eligible by approval of the Board of Directors. Upon payment of Association dues, annually in advance, members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges subject to the provisions of these by-laws.


Section 2. Associate Members

Any non-licensed professional of the County Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers staff or persons possessing a license but not employed by a county agricultural commissioner or sealer, upon payment of dues, may participate and attend meetings of this Association but are not eligible for active membership. Associate members cannot hold elected office or vote, but enjoy all other privileges of active membership.


Section 3. Termination of Membership

The membership of any member shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

  1. The resignation of the member.

  2. The occurrence of any event which renders such member ineligible for membership.

  3. Any member may be suspended or terminated by vote of the majority of the total membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Sufficient cause shall be a violation of the by-laws or any rule or practice of the Association duly adopted.

  4. Any member shall be terminated for non-payment of dues.


Section 4. Voting Rights

Each active member shall have one vote.


Section 5. Dues and Expenses

  1. Members are individually responsible to pay annual dues in advance in such sums as may be determined by the Board of Directors and shall be payable on or before January I of each year. Dues shall not be prorated.

  2. The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.

  3. Members are individually responsible for expenses.

Section 6. Procedures

Robert's Rules of Order shall be followed unless inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws of this Association.


Section 1. Membership

The Board of Directors shall consist of five board members at large, the immediate past president and such officers as set forth in section VI. Vacancies to the board of directors may be selected by the president and confirmed by the board by majority vote. The President shall serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors.


Section 2. Election of Directors

a. The Directors of the Association shall be elected annually by the general membership.

b. Nominations shall be submitted in writing prior to, during, and within 5 days of the closing of the Association annual conference. For members not attending the conference, absentee nominations must be received by the Executive Secretary, within 5 days of the conference closing.

c. Nominees must accept the nomination prior to be being placed on the ballot.

d. Voting for Directors shall be by written ballot

e. The ballot shall be approved by the Board and submitted to the membership for voting.

f. Ballots will be accepted for 5 days following the release of the ballot to the membership for voting.

g. Once tallied, new elected positions shall be notified by the past president of their appointment to a board position and will take office April 1st.

h. Elected officers shall hold office until resignation, removal or otherwise disqualified to serve, or until a qualified successor has been duly elected.

i. A president may serve for more than two terms but not more than two consecutively.


Section 3. Duties

a. The Board of Directors shall have the duty to:

  1. Conduct, manage and control the affairs and business of the Association, and to make rules and regulations in respect to its management;

  2. Carry out and execute any program which may seem to best serve the interests of all members and further the purpose for which the Association exists.

b. Any Director may be removed from office, for sufficient cause, by the affirmative vote of the majority of the whole number of Directors of the Association, after notice and hearing.

c. Directors shall receive no compensation from the Association.


Section 4. Board of Directors Meetings

Board of Directors meetings should be held as necessary or as required by Association by-laws.


Section 5. Quorum

A majority of the authorized number of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 6. Resignation 

Any Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors.


Section 7. Removal from Office, Vacancies

The failure of a Director to perform the duties of office, from inability or otherwise, shall be cause for removal. The Association's Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, decree any elective office vacant. The Association's Board of Directors shall thereupon appoint an appropriate active member to fill the vacancy until the next general election of officers.


Section 1. Elected Officers

The Officers of the Association shall be:

a. President

b. Vice President Northern Region shall be defined as the Vice President elected from any county located North of the City of Delano, California.

c. Vice President Southern Region shall be defined as the Vice President elected from any county located South of the city of Delano, California

d. Executive Secretary

e. Executive Treasurer

f.  Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator

g. The Association may also have such other officers as are deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.


Section 2. Duties of the President

a. The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Association and shall, subject to the approval by the Board of Directors, have supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Association.

b. Shall be Ex-Officio member of all committees.

c. Shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the annual meeting of the members.

d. Shall appoint chairs of all committees.

e. Shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the by-laws.

f.  As Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the President shall have the power to call special meetings with due regard to reasonable notice to its members.

g. Shall perform such other duties usually incumbent upon that office.

h. Shall present an annual report to the members.

i.  Shall serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors after their term expires (as Past President) until a new Past President is apparent.


Section 3. Duties of the Vice President(s) 

a. In the absence, disability, or refusal of the President to act, the Vice President employed by the county geographically closest to that of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President. If this Vice President is absent, disabled, or refuses to act, the other Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.

b. When so acting, the Vice President shall have the powers of, and be subject to, all the restrictions upon the President.

c. Develop agendas for all regular Board of Directors meetings.

d. The Vice President(s) shall perform the duties required by the by-laws of this Association and be available for any special assignments as required by the President.

e. The Vice President(s) shall provide technical support and may represent the President and Association within the limits of the by-laws.


Section 4. Duties of the Executive Secretary 

a. The Executive Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept for the Association:

  1. Minutes of all meetings.

  2. A membership list containing the names, addresses, status, and assigned membership number of each member.

b. Shall give notices to the membership of the regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and member meetings as provided by these by-laws.

c. Shall receive absentee ballots and shall tabulate these ballots.

d. Shall perform such other duties as may be required by law, these by-laws or the Board of Directors.

e. Shall coordinate with the Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator to maintain CASAP electronic calendar and to notify membership of prospective industry positions and job openings.


Section 5. Duties of the Executive Treasurer 

a. The Executive Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept adequate and current accounts of the business transactions of the Association, and

  1. Shall be responsible for all the funds of the Association and have such funds deposited in the name of the Association in such depositories selected by the Board of Directors.

  2. Receive or authorize receipt of all monies due the Association.

  3. Disburse or cause to be disbursed the funds of the Association as may be directed by the Board of Directors.

  4. When requested, render an account of the financial condition of the Association.

  5. When requested, prepare or cause to be prepared, the financial statements to be included in the annual report to the members.

b. In general, perform all duties incidental to the office of Executive Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, these by-laws, or which may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors.

c. Procedural outline for transition of executive treasurer into office

  1. Treasurer will serve a term of 2 years starting April 1st, and ending March 31st.

  2. The president of CASAP will issue a letter (on CASAP letter head) stating the new treasurer’s name, address and the term.

  3. The president will notify the CASAP webmaster of the new treasurer address to be put on the membership application and listed on the website.

  4. When the new treasurer takes office the previous treasurer shall send all the following documents and information as soon as is practicable.

       A. Unused checks.

       B. All previous membership applications.

       C. All bank statements, balance sheets and treasurer's reports.

       D. All other account information required to complete banking.

       E. All recent transactions.

       F. Pin numbers, if any.

       G. All previous filed tax returns.

       H. Account number and tax identification number.

       I. Current treasurers report to include:

          i. Account balance.

          ii. Total members to date for previous year with a list of members names.

  5.  A new signature card will be issued.

  6. Treasurer will change the address on the account to his/her address.

  7. The new treasurer upon receiving the treasurer's report from the previous treasurer will have 10 days to send the treasurer's report to the president with a letter either agreeing or disagreeing with the figures provided.

d. Procedure for handling cash at workshops and events.

  1. Have member fill out either the current year membership application or the training registration form, or both. If both are completed staple forms together.

  2. Have member pay fees and issue a receipt.

  3. The following must be included on the receipt:

       A. Name.

       B. Date.

       C. Check #, if cash, write "cash".

       D. What payment is for, i.e. membership, lunch, workshop, etc..

       E. Amount received.

       F. Signature of person who issued the receipt.

  4. Have member sign a sign-in sheet which shall include the following:

       A. Name and email address.

       B. Employer, county, affiliation.

       C. Phone number.

       D. Position held, i.e. Ag, W/M, Commissioner, Deputy.

       E. Member.

       F. Nonmember.

       G. Amount Paid.

  5. After all monies have been collected please place in envelope and forward the following to the Treasurer by mail or member:

       A. A copy of all receipts given out that day.

       B. A copy of the sign in sheet.

       C. All checks.

       D. All membership applications and registration forms.

       E. A training announcement or agenda if possible.

  6. The treasurer will deposit all checks and cash as soon as is practicable upon receipt.

  7. Upon receiving receipts or invoices for all expenses accrued for workshops the treasurer shall issue a check for reimbursement as soon as is practicable.

  8. A check over the amount of $400.00 will not be issued unless there is board approval.

  9. Two board members signatures will be required for any amount over $400.00.

  10. All receipts must be received by the treasurer within 60 days from the date of purchase in order for reimbursement to be made.


Section 6. Duties of the Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator 

a. The Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator shall keep or cause to be kept for the Association:

  1. The CASAP web page

  2. The CASAP electronic calendar

  3. The CASAP digital archive

  4. Other online activities for CASAP as determined by the Board of Directors.

b. Shall create and maintain relevant social media accounts for CASAP as determined by the Board of Directors

c. Shall facilitate and provide notices of regular and special web based trainings as specified by the CASAP Board of Directors.

d. Shall coordinate photographic documentation of CASAP events and share with membership

e. Shall coordinate with the Executive Secretary to maintain CASAP calendar and to notify membership of prospective industry positions and job openings.


Section 7. Compensation of Officers 

The officers shall not receive any compensation for their services as such, but the Board of Directors may authorize them a sum for expenses which may be incurred by them in the performance of their duties from the funds of this Association.


a. The Association's Board of Directors shall select a representative from the Board to act as liaison with the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association.
b. The liaison shall provide a direct means of communication between the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association and the Association. The liaison shall attend California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association meetings as necessary to fulfill the purpose of both Associations.


Section 1. Annual Meetings

a. The annual meeting of the members shall be held on such a date as determined by the Board of Directors. The time and place for the annual meeting shall also be determined by the Board of Directors.

b. The purpose of the annual meeting is to conduct Professional Development Programs and Association business.

c. Written notice of each such meeting and the agenda of business to come before the meeting shall be announced at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.

d. Non-members may attend Professional Development Programs upon payment of the appropriate fees.

e. There shall be an annual mid-year face-to-face board meeting held in Sacramento by the Board of Directors to address association business

f. There shall be held at least annually, two mock oral exam preparatory sessions for Deputy and Commissioner/Sealer oral exams. If held in person, one session shall be held in the Northern region and one session shall be held in the Southern region.


Section 2. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by written request of 25 percent of the active membership.


Section 3. Procedures

Robert's Rules of Order shall be followed unless inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws of this Association.


No member of this Association shall, by inference or otherwise, either directly or indirectly, misuse or abuse the name of this Association or their connection therewith; nor shall they imply that this Association will sponsor or be responsible for any written article, statement, report, policy, or practice of any member or firm, association, corporation or the government agency by which the member is employed or with which the member is associated. Any member who desires the use of this Association's name in connection with any personal endeavor shall first receive written authority from the Board of Directors.


Section 1. Initiation of Proposed Amendments

Any active member may propose an amendment to the by-laws by submitting it in writing to the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Voting and Ratification

If a majority of the Board of Directors approves a proposed amendment, it shall be submitted to the membership for vote. An amendment must receive a two thirds majority vote by active membership. The Board of Directors shall determine the manner of voting. Amendments will not be effective until ratified by CACASA.

Section 3. Noticing

A copy of the proposed amendment shall be posted at least 30 days before the vote is taken.

CASAP Board Approval August 29, 2022 / CASAP Membership Approval August 29, 2022

CACASA ratified October 21, 2022

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©2018-2024 by The California Association of Standards & Agricultural Professionals

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